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We only accept Visa and Mastercard payments

Add multiple payments by repeating prior to submitting for processing.

 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
RatesMake a full or part payment on your Council rates
Use this option to renew an existing animal registration or refer to the links below for other options:

New Animal Registrations or Contact Council for changes to an existing animal registration

 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Council InvoicesPay for services provided by Council such as Meal on Wheels, Home Care or Home Maintenance
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Animal Infringements 
Environment Protection Act 
Food Act 1984 
Local Laws  
Parking Infringements 
Public Health and Wellbeing Act 
Tobacco Act 
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
ApplicationsPay outstanding fees for building, planning, asset protection or other application types
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Licences or PermitsNew licence, permit or renewal of an existing licence or permit